Tooth Extractions

Learn more about your tooth extraction options in Wylie, TX, When a tooth is visible above the gum line and your dentist can easily remove it with forceps, the procedure is called a simple extraction. If a more volatile tooth has yet to grow in, however, your dentist needs to remove gum tissue or bone in order to extract it. This is called a surgical extraction and may require stitches to close the site so that it can heal properly. It's important to closely follow your dentist's aftercare instructions to speed recovery and avoid any complications. 

The surgical extraction of teeth may sound a bit daunting, but with today's modern procedures and anesthesia, you have nothing to worry about. Afterward, you and your dentist can discuss tooth replacement options to restore the function and beauty to your smile.

Our team of dental experts at Maxwell Creek Family Dentistry can determine if you need a surgical tooth extraction. Call our office or schedule a consultation here.